Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hack Perjuangan Semut-Hack Gold Permanent

Hack Gold Perjuangan Semut Permanent menggunakan Cheat Engine.

Tools Used:
  1. Cheat Engine :

    Click here to Download Cheat Engine 6.1[1]

  2. Browser anda (lebih baik menggunakan Mozilla Firefox atau Google Chrome)

Cara kerja Hack Gold Permanent :
  1. Download dan Instal Cheat Engine (bagi yang belum punya).

  2. Buka Cheat Engine.

  3. Buka game Perjuangan Semut.

  4. Beli formula buat melebur 5 atau 7 buah saja.

  5. Scan jumlah formula anda.

  6. Jual 1 trus scan jumlah formula mu sekarang.

  7. Ulangi cara 6 sampai ketemu 1 addres.

  8. Ganti addres menjadi 30000 (coins anda 3jt)

  9. Jual semua formula tersebut

  10. Selesai.


1 comment:

  1. Are you willing to know who your spouse really is, if your spouse is cheating just contact cybergoldenhacker he is good at hacking into cell phones,changing school grades and many more this great hacker has also worked for me and i got results of spouse whats-app messages,call logs, text messages, viber,kik, Facebook, emails. deleted text messages and many more this hacker is very fast cheap and affordable he has never disappointed me for once contact him if you have any form of hacking problem am sure he will help you THANK YOU.
    contact: cybergoldenhacker at gmail dot com
