Friday, May 29, 2015

DotNet Reflector 7.6 VSPro Edition + Red Gate Reflector Full

.Net Reflector VSPro Edition + Red Gate Reflector Full serial code - Reflector also includes a "Call Tree" that can be used to drill down into IL methods to see what other methods they call. It will show the metadata, resources and XML documentation. .NET Reflector can be used by .NET developers to understand the inner workings of code libraries, to show the differences between two versions of the same assembly, and how the various parts of a CLI application interact with each other. .NET Reflector was the first CLI assembly browser. (wiki)

Red Gate Reflector Full

It can be used to inspect, navigate, search, analyze, and browse the contents of a CLI component such as an assembly and translates the binary information to a human-readable form. By default Reflector allows decompilation of CLI assemblies into C#, Visual Basic .NET, Common Intermediate Language and F# (alpha version). There are a large number of add-ins for Reflector. (Wiki)

Developers use .NET Reflector to:

  • Get insight - Understand how APIs, components, frameworks, and all the critical code you use really works by decompiling and seeing inside. Having the source means you’re no longer blocked by poor or missing documentation.
  • Fix bugs - Follow bugs through your own code, 3rd party components, and any compiled .NET code you work with. You can see 3rd party code in Visual Studio, and debug into it just like your own.
  • Check builds - Need to make sure you’re shipping the right code, or that your intellectual property is protected? Check your builds for obfuscation, and ensure the right versions of the right components are present.

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.Net Reflector VSPro Edition + Red Gate Reflector

Note : After trying, please Buy the Original Software
Type : Shareware / Price  ( Special Offer / Dicount click Homepage )
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Type File : .RAR

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